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Introducing Crowcon’s T4 to TBS

We are pleased to announce the integration of Crowcon’s T4 personal gas detector unit into our renowned The Bruusgaard System (TBS).

For almost 25 years, TBS has been synonymous with advanced safety solutions tailored to vessels requiring comprehensive protection across advanced operations. However, we firmly believe that every ship, regardless of size or operation complexity, deserves access to the same level of safety.  

With the inclusion of Crowcon’s T4 unit, we are bringing our commitment to "optimal safety with minimal effort" to vessels across all segments of the maritime industry.

Uncompromised support for all clients

1W1A3969Our proactive support, efficient logistics, and proper equipment are the pillars of our approach to onboard detection. By utilizing TBS, thousands of vessels have significantly reduced the time and money spent on onboard calibration, all while increasing the safety of their operations. 

As we expand TBS to include Crowcon’s T4 unit, we want to reassure all new clients that they will receive the same exceptional level of support, service, and benefits that our regular TBS clients have come to expect.

From the initial setup and training to ongoing maintenance and support, every client will benefit from our expert guidance and comprehensive support services. Regardless of your ship’s size or complexity, the crew can confidently operate and maintain the system, knowing our team is always available to assist.

Extending the TBS advantage

Integrating the Crowcon T4 personal gas detector into TBS enables us to offer a versatile, reliable, and cost-effective safety solution tailored to the specific needs of smaller vessels. This expansion not only makes high-quality safety solutions more accessible but also guarantees that every vessel can uphold the highest safety standards without added complexity.

The T4 unit is renowned for its robustness, ease of use, and reliability—attributes that perfectly align with our values. By including it in TBS, we empower more maritime operators to achieve the safety they need while receiving the full spectrum of support services that have made TBS the trusted choice for many in the industry.

Commitment to excellence across the maritime industry

At Bruusgaard, we understand that safety is non-negotiable, no matter the size or type of vessel. Our collaboration with Crowcon reflects our dedication to making world-class safety solutions available to all maritime operators. Every ship that adopts the enhanced TBS setup with the Crowcon T4 unit will experience the same level of comprehensive support, ensuring optimal safety with minimal effort.

We encourage maritime operators of all types to explore the enhanced capabilities of The Bruusgaard System and discover how our new setup, combined with unparalleled support, can elevate the safety of their operations.

For more information on how TBS can enhance the safety of your vessel, please reach out.